About us

Sustainable Environment Research Group currently focuses on finding solutions for water and wastewater issues.

This research group led by Prof. Dr. Suzylawati Ismail. Her research areas focussing on finding solutions for water and wastewater issues by applying various techniques of separations specializing in membrane separation technology and adsorbent coating. Her research expert area is then extended to water control and water shut-off technology for Oil and Gas Industry upon her exposure in Schlumberger (WTA) Sdn. Bhd. with research teams around the globe.

She has successfully published in more than 90 International and National Journals and more than 50 International and National proceedings. Based on Scopus, her H-index is 36 and more than 5200 citation. Her current research team members are heavily involved in developing a composite adsorbent coating for water and wastewater treatment, surface membrane modification studies and feasibility of membrane distillation application for palm oil mill effluent treatment.

Recently, this research group has successfully developed innovative methods for removing hazardous dye and heavy metals pollutants through PAINTOSORP application. Opportunities for new area investigations on extending the functions of adsorbent coating to other types of pollutants. Interested local and international talents are welcome to join this research group.

Congratulations to Mdm Nur Atikah Mat Ali and Ms. Amirah Ayu Kartika binti Asman, MSc students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), for successfully defending their research work in their viva sessions.

Penang, Malaysia – Prof. Dr. Suzylawati Ismail and her research team at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) have secured RM 191,526 under the KPT-Industrial Matching Programme (IMaP) Grant for Phase 3/2024, in collaboration with Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd. (IWK).

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